Email campaigns

Well-constructed and targeted email campaigns can reach your audience directly in a more pro-active fashion.

All our websites come with Email campaign management built in.

Subscriber lists are central to this process and you may already have a list of emails from existing customers. This list will allow you to keep these customers informed directly of new products and services, therefore a potential for repeat business.

Informative mailshots (news) can also be an attractive way of keeping your business at the forefront of your customer’s mind set whilst re-enforcing your products or services.

There are several key issues related to successful email campaigns and we can talk you though these in a simple, uncomplicated fashion.

Sample Email Template

Email Template Design

The drag-and-drop features of Sitefinity make it a straight-forward task to create email templates which are suitable for broadcast and projecting your company image, products and services to a large number of recipients.

After a template has been designed, it can be tweaked or re-used for subsequent campaigns.

Your existing website assets (images, content and styling) can all be re-used as part of your email template designs.

Unsubscribe links can be inserted into email templates, making it easy for your recipients to remove themselves from future mailings and also fitting in with established standard codes of practice.

Email Template Design

Campaign Management

Multiple email campaigns can be easily managed using the built in Sitefinity tools. A campaign consists of one or more broadcasts over a period of time.

Measurement of results is a key feature and useful statistics include emails delivered, opened, clicked and unsubscribed. It is also possible to “drill down” and examine which links were clicked, at what time and by whom.

Each campaign allows you to compare broadcast results, over time, in order to assess the effect of any tweaks or changes to your individual broadcast messages.

Campaign broadcasts can be sent immediately or scheduled for a date and time in the future.

Schedule Campaign Delivery

Subscriber Email Lists

Subscriber lists are central to email campaigns and Sitefinity can broadcast to as many email lists as you require.

Subscribers (email and name) can be imported in bulk from standard CSV files, you may wish to create these files by exporting existing customers from your accounts system, CRM package or other databases within your organisation.

Subscription forms are another useful way to add emails to your lists, these may be placed on any web page encouraging visitors to subscribe to your mail outs.

Other email list sources may include external lead generation databases, etc.

Multiple email lists are supported, so for example you may wish to separate existing customers from prospects.

Subscribe Widgets

A/B Test Campaigns

A/B campaigns can be used to find the best version of your message.

This is a great way to test the strength of audience response with different messages and formats.

Two separate versions of your message are sent to a small sample of your audience.

A winner is decided by rules which you control and Sitefinity then broadcasts the winning message to the rest of the recipients.

A/B Campaigns